suPer is a European collective project funded under the framework of the Erasmus+ programme.
The suPer project aims to provide digital multidisciplinary training in the field of Parkinson’s disease.

What is the suPer project about?
The Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is one of the most complex and varied pathologies and its treatment is difficult. Its neurodegenerative nature means that individuals living with the disease and their loved ones have to cope continuously and over many years with different symptoms and difficulties associated. In this sense, it is crucial for members of a multidisciplinary care team of Parkinson to have the most detailed knowledge as possible of the pathology, of the advances in its treatment and of the applications that new technologies make possible in this field.
The suPer project aims to provide a digital multidisciplinary training to effectively face:
1) The expected increase of people with PD (estimated high prevalence),
2) The progress of PD (due to ageing population) which has an economic impact on the health and care systems, society, professionals, caregivers and people with PD themselves,
3) The lack of knowledge on Integrated Care models adapted to the real needs of People with PD and their relatives/caregivers, through providing training for members of multidisciplinary teams,
4) The People with PD’s poor digital skills related to health and care management which has a direct link with their autonomy.
In such a way, the suPer project is expected to have a positive impact on the triple-helix actors involved in PD:
- improving the work life of multidisciplinary care team’s members by providing them useful tools and knowledge to implement in their daily work routine;
- enhancing families with Parkinson’s health and social care outcomes increasing the quality of life and autonomy;
- building their digital skills at the same time.
The main objective of the suPer project is to build knowledge, competences and skills of multidisciplinary care team members on the Integrated Care approach for PD through a co-designed training course and e-learning platform.
Additionally, the specific objectives of the suPer project are the following:
- Design co-validated content and methodology of the training course to deliver support through an integrated approach.
- Increase knowledge on the IC models of care and their design, application and delivery.
- Encourage the collaborative work among social and health care professionals and people with PD by developing innovative online resources and tools.
- Promote families with Parkinson’s empowerment in the management PD.
- Increase visibility of PD and the associated effects
- Increase the quality of life of families living with Parkinson’s.
- Promote the autonomy and digitalization of people with PD to increase their quality of life.
- Raise awareness and skills of communities, organizations, and other stakeholders on the newly produced training and create relevant networks across the EU.
Partners of the suPer project